Requiem for the Autumn Hues - When Leaves Turn to Crimson and Gold, in the Serenade of Fall - Poem Lyrics in English


Requiem for the Autumn Hues - When Leaves Turn to Crimson and Gold, in the Serenade of Fall - Poem Lyrics in English

In the serenade of fall, a requiem is sung,

For the autumn hues, where memories are hung.

When leaves turn to crimson and gold,

A symphony of beauty, a sight to behold.

In the dance of the wind, they gracefully sway,

Whispering secrets of a bygone day.

With each rustle and flutter, a melody divine,

As the colors of autumn gracefully shine.

In the gentle embrace of the fading light,

The requiem for the autumn hues takes flight.

A chorus of leaves, in their final dance,

As they bid farewell to their earthly expanse.

Through valleys and hills, the colors spread,

A tapestry of beauty, by nature's hand led.

In the serenade of fall, where dreams take flight,

The requiem for the autumn hues alights.

So let us cherish the beauty of this fleeting scene,

For the autumn hues, like a dream, serene.

In the symphony of fall, where nature calls,

The requiem for the autumn hues enthralls.

Requiem for the Autumn Hues - When Leaves Turn to Crimson and Gold, in the Serenade of Fall - Poem Lyrics in English
Requiem for the Autumn Hues - When Leaves Turn to Crimson and Gold, in the Serenade of Fall - Poem Lyrics in English

In the serenade of fall, when the leaves softly sigh,

Requiem for the autumn hues, as the seasons pass by.

Crimson and gold paint the landscape with grace,

In the symphony of autumn, a fleeting embrace.

Whispers of the wind carry melodies of change,

As the colors of fall, beautifully arrange.

Leaves dance in the breeze, a melancholy ballet,

In the requiem for the hues of autumn's display.

Amidst the rustling of leaves, a quiet refrain,

A farewell to summer, a welcome of the wane.

For in the serenade of fall, nature softly calls,

To witness the beauty as the autumnal curtain falls.

So let us cherish the moments as they unfold,

In the requiem for the hues of crimson and gold.

For in the serenade of fall, we find solace anew,

In the bittersweet beauty of nature's adieu.

As autumn paints the world in hues,

A requiem for the season's muse.

When leaves turn to crimson and gold,

In the serenade of fall, stories untold.

Each tree adorned in nature's grace,

As colors blend in a gentle embrace.

The air is filled with a whispered call,

In the serenade of fall, where memories sprawl.

The rustle of leaves, a melancholy song,

As the days grow short, and nights grow long.

In the fading light, beauty is found,

In the autumn hues, scattered around.

A symphony of nature's art,

As fall weaves its spell, stealing hearts.

In the quiet moments, as the world slows,

Requiem for the autumn hues, as winter's whisper grows.

So let us cherish this fleeting sight,

As the leaves dance in the fading light.

For in the serenade of fall, beauty prevails,

In the crimson and gold, as the season exhales.

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