A Serenade to the Nightingale - When Its Melodies Fill the Moonlit Air with Grace - Poem Lyrics in English


A Serenade to the Nightingale - When Its Melodies Fill the Moonlit Air with Grace - Poem Lyrics in English

In the still of the night, under the moon's soft glow,

A serenade to the nightingale, in the quiet below,

When its melodies rise, in the air so clear,

Filling the moonlit night, with music dear.

From the shadowy boughs, of the ancient trees,

Comes the song of the nightingale, on the gentle breeze,

A melody of longing, of love so true,

A serenade to the night, in the dew.

Each note a whisper, each trill a sigh,

Under the canvas of the starlit sky,

The nightingale sings, with grace so fine,

In the moonlit air, its song divine.

The world listens in silence, to the tune so sweet,

In the serenade of the night, where heartbeats meet,

The nightingale's song, a balm to the soul,

In the quiet of the night, it makes us whole.

The moon beams down, on the forest floor,

Illuminating the nightingale, as it soars,

In the serenade to the night, a magic spell,

In the melody, where peace dwells.

So here's to the nightingale, in the moonlit night,

Whose songs of beauty, give the darkness light,

A serenade to the bird, whose melodies grace,

The silent night, in its embrace.

A Serenade to the Nightingale - When Its Melodies Fill the Moonlit Air with Grace - Poem Lyrics in English
A Serenade to the Nightingale - When Its Melodies Fill the Moonlit Air with Grace - Poem Lyrics in English

In the moonlit garden, where shadows softly play,

A Serenade to the Nightingale, its melodies in the night convey.

Echoes in the stillness, where the moonbeams trace,

In the moonlit air, where grace finds its place.

Nightingale's song, a melody divine,

A Serenade to the Nightingale, in the moon's gentle shine.

In the silvered branches, where dreams take flight,

In the nightingale's serenade, where hearts unite.

Notes of longing in the midnight breeze,

A Serenade to the Nightingale, where memories tease.

In the moonlit dance, where the nightingale sings,

In the night's embrace, where the melody brings.

Oh, the nightingale's serenade, a lullaby so sweet,

A Serenade to the Nightingale, where dreams meet.

In the moonlit air, where the nightingale's grace,

In the serenade of the nightingale's embrace.

So let us listen to the nightingale's song,

A Serenade to the Nightingale, where hearts belong.

In the moonlit garden, where dreams take flight,

In the nightingale's serenade, where the soul finds light.

In the moonlit glade, where shadows waltz,

A serenade to the nightingale, where dreams exalt.

When its melodies fill the air with grace,

In the nocturnal symphony, where hearts embrace.

Notes of sweetness in the velvet night,

A serenade to the nightingale, a celestial flight.

Each trill and warble, a song of love,

In the moonlit air, where dreams above.

Moonbeams dance on the nightingale's stage,

A serenade to the nightingale, where poets engage.

In the silvered glow, where enchantment weaves,

In the nightingale's song, where solace cleaves.

Echoes of passion in the moonlit glen,

A serenade to the nightingale, beyond ken.

Each note a whisper of longing and desire,

In the moonlit air, where dreams aspire.

In the nightingale's song, where spirits soar,

A serenade to the nightingale, forevermore.

In the moonlit air, where grace abides,

In the serenade to the nightingale, where love presides.

In the symphony of night, where dreams take flight,

A serenade to the nightingale, in the moon's soft light.

In the celestial ballad, where souls entwine,

A serenade to the nightingale, where love defines.

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