Chronicles of the Forgotten World - Secrets Hidden in Lost Realms - Poem Lyrics in English


Chronicles of the Forgotten World - Secrets Hidden in Lost Realms - Poem Lyrics in English

In the realms forgotten where echoes suspend,

Chronicles of the Forgotten World, a tale to comprehend.

Secrets hidden in lost realms unfold,

A poetic saga in stories untold.

Moonlight filters through the forgotten haze,

In the chronicles where whispers amaze.

In the quietude where lost echoes swirl,

Secrets echo in the forgotten world.

Stars above like ancient scribes,

In the forgotten world where mystery thrives.

In the hush where the past overwhelms,

Chronicles unfold in forgotten realms.

In the shadows where time is unfurled,

Chronicles of the Forgotten World twirl.

Whispers of secrets in the lost domains,

A poetic narrative where history remains.

Chronicles of the Forgotten World - Secrets Hidden in Lost Realms - Poem Lyrics in English
Chronicles of the Forgotten World - Secrets Hidden in Lost Realms - Poem Lyrics in English

So, in the quiet where the forgotten dreams,

Listen to the chronicles, where silence redeems.

Secrets hidden in lost realms, a story unfurls,

In the chronicles of the forgotten world.

In the echoes of time where memories unfurl,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, a lost-world swirl.

Secrets hidden in realms beyond the sun's beams,

In the hushed silence, where lost worlds dream.

Each page a whisper, each chapter untold,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, where mysteries hold.

Lost realms entwined in the cosmic seams,

In the echoes of silence, where lost worlds scheme.

Moonlight reveals the ruins of ancient lore,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, where tales implore.

Stars overhead witness the spectral streams,

In the forgotten world, where shadows dream.

Cascading waterfalls in the forgotten glen,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, where echoes ken.

Each leaf a parchment, each breeze redeems,

In the lost realms, where forgotten worlds teem.

Gentle breezes carry the whispers of yore,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, where memories adore.

A symphony of echoes in the moonlit beams,

In the forgotten world, where time redeems.

So let the chronicles echo in the cosmic night,

Chronicles of the forgotten world, a silent rite.

Secrets hidden in the lost realms' seams,

In the hushed whispers, where lost worlds dream.

In the echoes of time where memories fade,

Chronicles unfold in the forgotten world's shade.

Secrets hidden in lost realms, a whispering rhyme,

In the tapestry of silence, where echoes of history chime.

Mountains rise like ancient sentinels tall,

In the forgotten world, where echoes enthrall.

Each peak a chapter, each valley a verse,

In the chronicles of a world lost and diverse.

Rivers carve tales in the rugged terrain,

In the forgotten world, where secrets remain.

Whispers of civilizations etched in the stones,

Chronicles hidden in the world's forgotten zones.

Forests stand as guardians of bygone days,

In the forgotten world, where nature plays.

Each tree a witness, each leaf a page,

In the chronicles of a world lost in age.

Ruins crumble with the weight of time,

In the forgotten world, where history climbs.

Whispers of empires, echoes of lore,

Chronicles woven in the world's ancient core.

Stars above gaze upon the forgotten expanse,

In the cosmic chronicles, where memories dance.

Constellations tell tales written in the sky,

Secrets hidden in the lost realms, where echoes lie.

Oh, the chronicles of the forgotten world so vast,

Secrets hidden in the echoes of the past.

In the silence of lost realms, where time overwhelms,

A poetic journey in the chronicles of the forgotten realms.

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