Echoes of the Ethereal Temple - Secrets in the Sacred Hush - Poem Lyrics in English


Echoes of the Ethereal Temple - Secrets in the Sacred Hush - Poem Lyrics in English

In the sacred hush where echoes entwine,

Echoes of the Ethereal Temple, secrets align.

Whispers in the temple's sacred space,

A poetic symphony, a tranquil embrace.

Moonlight filters through the temple's dome,

Echoes of secrets find their home.

In the hallowed stillness where silence gush,

Secrets unfold in the ethereal hush.

Stars above like celestial witnesses,

In the temple's echoes, where mystique persists.

In the quietude where sanctity flush,

Echoes resonate in the ethereal hush.

In the temple's chambers, shadows converse,

Echoes of the sacred, a mystical verse.

Whispers of secrets in the temple's crush,

A sacred symphony, an ethereal hush.

So, in the hush where echoes aspire,

Listen to the temple, let secrets transpire.

Echoes of the Ethereal Temple, a sacred rush,

In the whispers of secrets, where echoes hush.

In the ethereal temple where echoes reside,

Secrets in the sacred hush, where mysteries hide.

Whispers of the divine in the tranquil air,

Echoes of the ethereal temple, a spiritual affair.

Each echo a prayer, a celestial sigh,

In the sacred hush, where spirits fly.

The temple's silence, a reverent brush,

Echoes of the ethereal temple, where secrets hush.

Echoes of the Ethereal Temple - Secrets in the Sacred Hush - Poem Lyrics in English
Echoes of the Ethereal Temple - Secrets in the Sacred Hush - Poem Lyrics in English

Moonlight filters through the sacred space,

As echoes weave through the spiritual grace.

Stars above bear witness to the hallowed crush,

In the ethereal temple, where secrets blush.

Candles flicker in the sacred shrine,

Echoes linger in the mystical design.

A sacred hymn in the celestial hush,

Echoes of the ethereal temple, where spirits brush.

Incense swirls in the divine zephyr,

Whispers of the temple, where serenity confer.

Each murmur a blessing, a spiritual gush,

In the sacred hush, where echoes lush.

So let the echoes linger in the sacred air,

In the ethereal temple, where spirits declare.

Secrets in the silence, a spiritual rush,

Echoes of the ethereal temple, where mysteries hush.

In the temple of ethereal grace,

Echoes whisper in the sacred space.

Secrets woven in the sacred hush,

In the ethereal temple, where silence blush.

Columns rise with a celestial might,

In the echoes of the temple, where dreams alight.

Each step a reverent journey, a hallowed hush,

In the ethereal temple, where echoes rush.

Sunlight filters through the sacred dome,

In the temple's embrace, where spirits roam.

Whispers of prayers in the hallowed air,

Echoes of reverence, a spiritual affair.

Auras of incense in the sacred shrine,

In the echoes of the temple, where moments entwine.

Secrets unveiled in the sacred hush,

In the ethereal temple, where echoes brush.

Mystic symbols adorn the walls,

In the temple's echo, where wisdom calls.

Harmonies of the divine in the hallowed air,

Echoes of the ethereal, a spiritual affair.

Candles flicker in a rhythmic trance,

In the temple's echoes, where spirits dance.

Secrets of the soul in the sacred hush,

In the ethereal temple, where echoes blush.

Oh, the echoes of the ethereal temple so divine,

Secrets in the sacred hush, where spirits entwine.

In the echoes' embrace, where reverence gush,

A poetic journey in the ethereal temple's hush.

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